March 9th, 2025:
Camp Begins
Wine & Music Sharing Night at 6:30pm
FAQs - please read carefully
1. What is included in the Adult Piano Camp Registration?
Each participant will receive 3 private lessons, 3 master classes, an escape room, and 1 ticket to the Wine & Cheese Music Sharing evening. Access to our rehearsal rooms on a silent piano for rehearsal before/after/between lessons and master classes (1 Grand piano with silent system, 1 Upright piano with silent system, 2 digital pianos with headphones).
2. What is the daily schedule?
The daily schedules have already been created for each participant and cannot be altered in any way.
Each day begins at 1:00pm with a master class, each master class is 2 hours. Private lessons will take place at 3:15 and 4:15pm. Each private lesson is 60 minutes.
The Wine & Music Sharing night will be on March 9th from 6:30-8:30pm. *non-alcoholic options will be available
3. Will the private lessons be with the same teacher or all 3 of them?
All participants will have the opportunity to work with each of the teachers.
4. Will the master classes be with all 3 teachers?
Each master class will be taught by 1 of our 3 faculty. You will have the opportunity to work with all 3.
5. What is the average age of the participants?
This camp is for all adult piano students over the age of 19. There is no age limit. All levels are welcome.
6. How many pieces of music can I work on?
Please have 3 pieces of music to work on, one with each teacher, to avoid conflicting advice.
7. Can I record the lessons/master classes?
Yes, you are permitted to record your own activities, however the recording of other participants during master classes is not permitted. These recordings are also not permitted to be shared publicly, and are for personal use only.
8. What if I can’t make it to a lesson or if I am sick? Can I reschedule?
The program is scheduled very tightly based on the teachers’ availability since some of them are from outside of Ottawa, and scheduling is now complete. Because of this, no changes or refunds due to scheduling issues or illness will be made.
9. Is it required that participants bring the original score?
You can bring copies of the music so that the score can be marked up by the teacher without disturbing the original working copy.
10. How do we reserve the practice rooms?
A schedule will be made available onsite daily and participants can sign up for a practice room each day that they are here. There will be 4 pianos available for rehearsals, 1 Grand with a silent system, one upright with a silent system, and 2 digital pianos with headphones.
Sign up will be first come first serve.
11. What is the Wine & Music Sharing night?
At 10,000 Hours we normally have our Adult Music Sharing events throughout the year. This Wine & Music Sharing evening will be similar but we will be serving wine, various cheeses, small hors d’oeuvres. This is a night to share the pieces you are working on during the camp; other community members may perform pieces they are working on as well.
Adult Piano Camp
March 9, 10, & 11, 2025