In-House Concert Series

10,000 Hours is proud to present three concert series with three distinct genres: classical, jazz, and an emerging young artists segment suited to all tastes.

Jazz Dialogues with Steve Boudreau is a Jazz Duo Series primarily curated and produced by renowned jazz artist Steve Boudreau. Steve invites legends of jazz to join him onstage.

We also present other renowned jazz artist within this series.

Carson Becke & Friends This classical duo series is curated and produced by classical pianist Carson Becke. Carson is joined by well-known classical artists of all disciplines.

Our Emerging Young Artist series is curated and produced by Jennifer Messer and it specifically aims to spotlight up and coming talent under the age of 30 who are ready to take the stage but may not yet be widely known. This segment presents a valuable opportunity for young artists to be introduced to an existing and enthusiastic, supportive audience.

How to apply

We encourage artists from various backgrounds to apply for participation in any of our concert series.

Please submit the following:

  • biography & headshot

  • link to your YouTube channel

  • link to your Instagram or website

This inclusive approach allows for a dynamic range of performances and ensures that our series remains a vibrant space for all artists while providing our faithful audience with consistently high quality music.