Born and raised in Ottawa, Canadian pianist Carson Becke ( ) has performed worldwide. He studied at the Royal Academy of Music in London, UK, and at the University of Oxford, where he completed a doctorate in musicology.

As a chamber musician, Carson enjoys frequent collaborations with sopranos Lavinia Dames and Meghan Lindsay, violinist Carissa Klopoushak, pianist Suren Barry as Duo Octavian ( ), and with clarinetist Juan Olivares and cellist Cameron Crozman as part of Trio des Collines. As an arranger, he written transcriptions of music by Mendelssohn (Hebrides Overture - solo piano), Puccini (Fantasy on themes from Tosca - solo piano), Holst (The Planets - piano duo), Richard Strauss (Vier Letzte Lieder - piano and voice), and others. Carson is committed to creating structural changes to the music industry in response to climate change, and the resulting need to create more sustainable systems. His TedX talk on this can be heard here . He is enacting those ideas through his directorship of the Collines-en-musique (formerly Pontiac Enchanté - ): environmental sustainability is one of the cornerstones of its missions, and it is the first classical concert series in Canada with a detailed Green Policy.

Carson lived in the United Kingdom for fifteen years: first in London, and then in Oxford. In 2019 he moved home to Ottawa, and now lives in Wakefield, Quebec, with his partner Madeline, their son Solomon, and their dogs Jerry and Neumann. In 2024, he will be inducted into the Chelsea Wall of Fame for his contributions to the cultural life of the Gatineau Hills region.